Crystal & Gemstone Healing

For thousands of years Crystals & Gemstones have been used across global cultures for healing purposes.

They are proven to vibrate, focus, store, transmit and transmute energy which can then be channelled and used for beneficial healing effects.

Crystals work through the human energy system to gently alter and balance the body’s own energy field, accelerating our natural healing ability on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

Crystals can affect a profound change and amongst other things can help:

  • Reduce/remove symptoms of dis-ease to restore health

  • Increase quality of life

  • Decrease Stress and Anxiety

  • Reduce Pain and relieve Trauma

  • Combat Lethargy

  • Accelerate Natural Healing

  • Improve concentration

  • Provide a Deep Sense of Peace and Wellbeing

What to expect

A Crystal & Gemstone therapy session harnesses the vibrational healing properties of crystals & gemstones.

You relax, fully clothed, whilst I work to bring your body’s own energy field back into balance as well as bringing healing to the mind, body and spirit.

Each session is tailored for your specific needs. It isn’t unusual to use 30+ crystals & gemstones per treatment and these are laid out in different formations on your body, depending on what is needed at that time. I also incorporates Reiki into every Crystal & Gemstone treatment.

Many clients report a heightened sense of calm and emotional clarity as well as feeling energised and balanced. Often an improvement in their original symptoms is also reported.

Treatments are non-intrusive.

Please note that I am unable to provide Crystal & Gemstone healing to anyone with a pacemaker or epilepsy as these conditions are contra-indicated due to piezoelectrical and pyroelectric qualities of some crystals.